Skin Cancers

See Dr. Andrew Hendricks' website, for a full discussion on the diagnosis and treatment of Skin Cancer.

Actinic Keratoses (AKs)


Actinic keratoses (AKs), also called solar keratoses, are scaly, crusty growths (lesions) caused by damage from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. They are often elevated or rough in texture. Most become red, but some will be tan, pink, and/or flesh-toned. If left untreated, up to ten percent of AKs develop into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) over the course of 10 years.


AKs are caused by years of ultraviolet ray (UV) exposure from the sun or indoor tanning beds. They are considered precancerous, and if left untreated, up to ten percent of AKs develop into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) over the course of 10 years.


  • Fair-skinned people with light-colored hair and eyes have a higher risk for developing AKs.
  • Excessive time spent in the sun.
    Use of tanning beds or sun lamps, even if it was many years ago.
  • Prolonged residence in an area that gets intense sunlight, such as Florida, the Caribbean, or northern Australia.
  • Those with conditions or on medications that make them more sensitive to UV rays.


A single AK may range from the size of a pinhead to larger than a quarter. Most AKs are dry, scaly, and rough textured, but not all AKs look alike. Some are skin colored and may be easier to feel than see. These AKs often feel like sandpaper. Other AKs can appear as red bumps, thick red scaly patches or growths, or crusted growths varying in color from red to brown to yellowish black.

Sometimes an AK grows rapidly upward, and you see a growth that resembles the horn of an animal. When this happens, the AK is called a "cutaneous horn." Horns vary in size from that of a pinhead to a pencil eraser. Some horns grow straight, others curve.

AKs often seem to disappear for weeks or months and then return. This makes treatment important. Left untreated, the damaged cells can continue to grow and skin cancer may develop.

When AKs develop, they tend to appear on skin that receives the most sun, including the:

  • Forehead, neck, chest, ears
  • Scalp, especially a bald scalp
  • Arms or hands
  • Lower legs, especially in women
  • Border of the lip (an AK on the lip and surrounding skin is known as "actinic cheilitis" and looks like a white or grayish scaly patch on a dry, often cracked lip)


AKs are diagnosed on a physical exam of theskin,but some may require a biopsy (sample) if they do not have a classic appearance.

Your dermatologist can perform a biopsy during an office visit using local anesthesia. It is quick, safe and easy to perform. Your dermatologist will take a sample of all or part of the suspicious skin, and the sampled skin will be sent to a lab where it can be examined under a microscope.

Dysplastic Nevus/Atypical Mole


A dysplastic nevus or atypical mole is a nevus (mole) whose appearance is different from that of common moles.

Dysplastic nevi often growto be larger than ordinary moles and may have irregular and indistinct borders. Their color may not be uniform and may range from light pink to very dark brown. They usually begin flat, but parts may rise above the skin surface.

According to the National Cancer Institute, researchers have shown that atypical moles are more likely than ordinary moles to develop into a type of skin cancer called melanoma. Although most atypical moles may never become malignant, numerous studies indicate that about half of melanomas arise from atypical moles. Epidemiology studies have also shown that individuals with multiple dysplastic nevi are at much higher risk for developing melanomas.

Patients with a personal or family history of skin cancer or of dysplastic nevus syndrome (multiple atypical moles) should see a dermatologist at least once a year to be sure they are not developing melanoma.


People tend to inherit a tendency to develop atypical moles. Atypical moles are not cancerous, but people who have these moles have a higher risk of malignant melanoma, an aggressive and deadly form of skin cancer. Your risk of melanoma increases if you have atypical moles, have had a previous melanoma or a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, child) who has had a melanoma. A mole that stands out and looks different from other moles (known as the "ugly duckling" sign) can be dangerous and should be evaluated by a dermatologist.



This is the most common type of skin cancer. It most often appears on skin exposed to the sun, such as the face, scalp, neck, hands, and arms, but can appear on any part of the body.

BCC may never metastasize, but they can grow deep and wide, affecting surrounding tissue and structures. This is especially concerning on the face where such alteration can affect the eyes and ears, and be cosmetically difficult to handle.

BCC often grows slowly. It may look like a:

  • Reddish patch of dry skin that won't heal
  • Flesh-colored (or pink, red, or brown) pearl-shaped lump with visible blood vessels
  • Pimple that just won't clear
  • Sore that bleeds, heals, and then returns
  • Scar that feels waxy - may be skin-colored, white, or yellow
  • Group of slow-growing, shiny pink or red growths that look like sores, often scaly and bleed easily
  • Flat or sunken growth - feels hard, may be white or yellow


People of all skin colors can get BCC, although it is much more common in light-skinned people. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays damage your skin. Your everyday activities expose you to UV rays, such as going outdoors during the day without sun protection or when you drive your car or sit near your office window. Additionally, tanning beds emit dangerous UV rays, and their use is associated with developing BCC and other types of skin cancer.

Your risk of developing skin cancer increases as this damage accumulates. There are some people, though, who have a higher risk of getting BCC. For example, the risk increases with age. The older you are, the longer you have been exposed to the sun's UV rays. People may alsohave a higher risk of developing BCC when they have:

  • Pale, light-colored or freckled skin
  • Blonde or red hair
  • Blue, green, or gray eyes
  • A family history of skin cancer
  • A weakened immune system or are taking medicine that suppresses the immune system
  • Used tanning beds or other indoor tanning devices


To diagnose BCC, a dermatologist performs a skin biopsy. This is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of skin cancer, including BCC. Your dermatologist can perform a biopsy using local anesthesia during an office visit.

Your dermatologist will biopsy all or a representative sample of thegrowth, depending on its size and location on your body. This tissue will be sent to a pathologist to beevaluated under the microscopeto determine the diagnosis.

If the diagnosis is BCC, your dermatologist will consider many factors to determine the best treatment for you, including where the BCC appears on your body, the size and features of the BCC, and your overall health.

Malignant Melanoma

Malignant Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from the pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) in the skin. Unlike non-melanoma skin cancers (basal and squamous cell carcinomas), melanoma can grow quickly and spread to other parts of the body. However, when detected early and treated, the cure rate can be very high.
Melanoma most often develops as a new growth, not in an existing mole. However, it is hard to memorize all existing moles, so regular skin checks looking for the following is important. The earlier the detection of the melanoma, the easier it is to treat.

  • A mole that is growing, changing shape, or changing color
  • A mole that looks scaly, oozes, or bleeds
  • New, dark spot on the skin that looks like a mole, but grows quickly
  • Pain, itch, or bleeding in a new spot on the skin
  • A streak (usually brown or black) underneath a fingernail or toenail
  • A bruise on the foot that does not heal

It is important to know that melanoma can also develop in the eyes, mouth, and genitals. Regular examination of these sites by a health care professional is recommended to screen for melanoma in these areas.


Sun exposure is the most preventable risk factor for all skin cancers, including melanoma. Ultraviolet light (UV) from the sun and indoor tanning beds can cause skin cancer. Not all melanomas are caused entirely by UV rays. Heredity also plays a role. Research shows that if a first-degree relative (parent, brother, sister, or child) had melanoma, a person has a greater risk of getting melanoma.
In addition to a family history and UV exposure, some people have a higher risk of developingmelanoma,including those with:

  • Light skin, hair, and eyes
  • Fair skin that tans poorly or burns easily
  • Red or blond hair
  • Blue or green eyes
  • 50 or more small moles
  • Moles called "atypical nevi" or "dysplastic nevi"
  • Past blistering sunburns or a history of indoor tanning
  • A previous melanoma or other skin cancer
  • Weak immune system (due to disease, organ transplant, or medicine)

Men over 50 are at a higher risk of developing melanoma compared to the rest of the general public. Melanoma can also affect younger people. In fact, melanoma is the second most common form of cancer in females aged 15–29years old.


A dermatologist will look carefully at all skin and examine growths, moles, and dry patches. To get a better look, a dermatologist may use a device called a dermatoscope or magnifying lens that helps to see pigment and structures in the lesion.

Concerning lesions will be biopsied. This involves biopsying the lesion or a sample of it for microscopic evaluation by a pathologist. A biopsy is quick, safe, and easy for a dermatologist to perform, usually in the same visit as your skin exam. A biopsy should not cause anxiety. The discomfort and risks are minimal.



Squamous Cell Carcinoma is a common type of skin cancer that typically appears on sun-exposed skin because of increased Ultraviolet (UV) ray exposure. In these areas, SCCs can develop from untreated Actinic Keratoses. However, it is important to know that SCCs can appear elsewhere on the body, including inside the mouth, on the lip, or on the genitals.

  • Like Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), SCCs can grow deeply and become locally disruptive, but it is important to note that they are slightly more aggressive and likely to spread to other parts of the body. This can be deadly. Certain locations are more prone to developing more dangerous SCCs: the lips, ears, and genitals.
  • SCCs can have the following appearances:
  • Hard, scaly,crusty, reddish bump or patch
  • An open sore that itches and bleeds; it may heal, but will return
  • Scaly or thickened patch on the lip


People of all skin colors get SCC, although it is more common in Caucasians. Your everyday activities expose you to ultraviolet (UV) rays, which damage your skin. You receive this exposure every time you go outdoors during the day, whetheryou drive your car or sit near your office window.

People who use tanning beds have a much higher risk of getting SCC. They also tend to get SCC earlier in life. Your risk of developing SCC increases if you have any of the following factors:

  • Your physical traits
  • Pale or light-colored skin
  • Blue, green, or gray eyes
  • Blonde or red hair
  • An inability to tan
  • Your life experiences
  • Spent a lot of time outdoors, for work or leisure, without using sunscreen or covering up with clothing
  • Used tanning beds or sunlamps
  • Your medical history
  • Diagnosed with actinic keratoses (AKs)
  • Badly burned your skin
  • Have an ulcer or sore on your skin that has been there for many months or years
  • Taking medicine that suppresses your immune system, like those after an organ transplant
  • Infected with thehuman papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Had many PUVA light treatments
  • Have an inherited condition that increases the risk of SCC like xeroderma pigmentosa, epidermolysis bullousa, or albinism

Some SCCs begin as a precancerous growth called an actinic keratosis or AK. Most AKs share common qualities such as being dry, scaly, and rough-textured. A single AK may range from the size of a pinhead to larger than a quarter.


To diagnose SCC, a dermatologist performs a skin biopsy. This is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of skin cancer, including SCC. Your dermatologist can perform a biopsy using local anesthesia during an office visit.

Your dermatologist will biopsy all or a representative sample of thegrowth,depending on its size and location on your body. This tissue will be sent to a pathologist to evaluate under the microscope and determine the diagnosis.

If the diagnosis is SCC, your dermatologist will consider many factors to determine the best treatment for you, including where the SCC appears on your body, the size and features of the SCC, and your overall health.


  • Keep all appointments with your dermatologist. When found early, skin cancer can often be cured.
  • Perform skin self-examinations. Examine your skin as often as your dermatologist recommends. Be sure to check your scalp, ears, genitals, and buttocks.
  • If you notice anything on your skin that is changing, itching, or bleeding, immediately make an appointment to see your dermatologist.
  • Protect your skin every day by:
  • Seeking shade. Shade helps protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Shade is especially important between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest. But any time your shadow is shorter than you are, seek shade.
  • Wearing protective clothing. This means wearing a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses when possible.
  • Generously applying sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB) protection, water-resistance, and a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or more. Be sure to apply the sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside. Apply it to all skin that clothing will not cover. You should reapply sunscreen every two hours, even on cloudy days. After swimming or sweating, you also need to reapply your sunscreen.
  • Protect your skin when around water, snow, and sand. These reflect and intensify the damaging rays of the sun.
  • Never use a tanning bed. UV light from tanning beds can cause skin cancer and wrinkling. If you want to look tan, consider using a self-tanning product or spray. Even when using one of these products, you need to use sunscreen.
  • Use condoms. This can prevent an HPV infection, which reduces the risk of getting SCC on the genitals.
  • Limit the amount of alcohol you drink and do not smoke. Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol can increase your risk of getting SCC in your mouth.